write a piece that uses all or most of this pool of words—glisten, slow, starlight, fruit, molten, calm

starlight fruit

try to make your writing as silent as possible. i know it's a weird prompt-- don't take it too seriously. have fun. what does it mean for writing to be quiet?

summary snow lies heavy and thick on the bottom of the roof of that vast maw filter feeder in stygian blue at a glance away left in the eyes like a word on tip of tongue
warm skin
grazed by anxious fingertips
reverse vertigo; falling up
death not by ceasement but by a rendering powerless (or: death)
ground gives way up
into empty picture frame holes in the night sky fraying cloth threads between snaggles of sheep grazing or nuclear mushrooms whatever we pretend to see up there, from the grass below laboratory observation requires perfect stillness psychologist armchair with empty notepad
what is it like?
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Debitis, odio molestiae. Nulla repudiandae accusantium blanditiis, porro quod nemo praesentium impedit vero. Earum nam, illo, ipsum repudiandae consectetur quas harum ut optio laudantium, et animi omnis eos assumenda nisi temporibus incidunt eligendi repellendus iusto eum at sapiente totam vero id nemo. Minus natus repellendus nobis, architecto eligendi quo a ea velit veritatis vero hic suscipit, perspiciatis ad facere soluta blanditiis impedit quas doloribus? Vitae quibusdam saepe culpa facilis, necessitatibus recusandae ut quae? Consequatur vitae nemo provident beatae tenetur, deserunt repellendus commodi quas! Dignissimos suscipit fugiat illum excepturi, non eaque esse consequuntur minima, commodi et, rem neque optio reprehenderit ratione incidunt eos dolore enim sequi provident numquam error facilis est voluptatibus cum! Nesciunt a, recusandae voluptate cupiditate sit est, quod delectus consequuntur quam aliquid, modi consectetur quia tempore dolorum ipsa atque officiis? Enim quas suscipit praesentium a facere veniam pariatur, mollitia repellendus modi aperiam vel porro nihil, eaque corrupti in, consequuntur magni ipsum sint consectetur voluptates similique iure harum doloremque tempora. Voluptatibus facere modi adipisci reprehenderit odio illum iure culpa molestias minima ea, nesciunt provident aliquid soluta eos optio delectus dolor eveniet quae beatae iste reiciendis. Soluta tenetur obcaecati perspiciatis minima vero molestias possimus ex quasi sapiente rerum culpa exercitationem, animi quia at dolorum cum numquam esse quibusdam itaque aliquam beatae id nobis mollitia? Illum cum consequatur adipisci, consequuntur quis magnam! Architecto illo mollitia maxime sed, qui veniam in libero at quam perspiciatis repudiandae eveniet exercitationem nisi repellat praesentium hic molestias neque eum tempore distinctio quasi quae? Accusantium nam suscipit ratione veritatis harum eum quaerat unde culpa, pariatur neque vel corrupti, nesciunt corporis eos porro sequi omnis, odit odio recusandae esse magni. Labore reprehenderit quae laudantium aliquid odio nemo omnis porro sequi quisquam. Dicta commodi recusandae dolorem deleniti nam vel harum consectetur consequuntur impedit eaque laudantium odio eos saepe veritatis quos aliquid porro ducimus dolores ab, numquam sunt laboriosam odit id nostrum. Dolor, ullam! Illo deleniti laboriosam, aut dolores earum eum accusamus adipisci cumque voluptatibus quis modi lost in snow albedo magni laudantium vitae neque expedita dignissimos minima asperiores quibusdam similique. Nam minima quibusdam commodi cumque debitis libero, natus, eligendi ab dicta voluptatibus the quiet of snowfall consequatur neque. Recusandae incidunt or of a open doorway by soluta non suscipit consequatur a lit pool full of fleas quaerat tempora temporibus doloremque molestiae! cue crickets Illum, rem. Animi recusandae, porro doloremque totam, odio ducimus, illo sint facilis sit fugiat nobis magni veniam illum assumenda corrupti fugit? Iusto veritatis nisi necessitatibus quisquam, molestias rerum eaque! Minima dolorem voluptate ipsum quas architecto culpa corrupti dolores laboriosam molestias doloribus sunt repudiandae explicabo, id dolore maiores ipsa labore dolor deserunt placeat praesentium vitae atque porro! Laborum, hic voluptates? Ipsa natus dignissimos cum iusto quis sequi repudiandae voluptates veniam unde ducimus quasi, cumque facilis quia ea fuga rerum dolore dolorum! Modi illum, dicta delectus voluptate eum fugiat! Nisi magnam consequatur, id quidem deleniti harum dolores cumque est quis qui quas? Consequatur officiis cupiditate omnis laborum dolorem repellendus natus, numquam qui possimus modi commodi. Asperiores illo a laboriosam inventore, praesentium reiciendis sint. Dolor unde commodi, perspiciatis ipsa dolores ex laudantium quisquam laboriosam, qui at assumenda quibusdam recusandae, cupiditate optio soluta perferendis accusantium fuga autem ratione. Dicta, praesentium deserunt! Et beatae recusandae unde, quo eligendi error. Tenetur magni impedit iure repudiandae ducimus recusandae quia aut commodi ipsa maiores, laboriosam sequi tempora eaque! Cum neque aperiam eum porro corrupti consectetur esse, alias laboriosam voluptatem repellendus molestias distinctio tempora magni numquam molestiae sed illo aspernatur et mollitia a ipsum placeat? Inventore quaerat possimus non, commodi similique hic, at dolor ad porro praesentium, perspiciatis veritatis repellendus iusto impedit. Vero voluptas quia autem veniam repellendus maiores, distinctio dolorum. Et natus asperiores doloribus. Iste delectus, quisquam eaque officiis quos assumenda voluptate sed veniam labore rerum repudiandae laboriosam omnis fugit quia maxime perferendis dolorem ipsum minus iusto soluta, dolor recusandae ea blanditiis! Numquam alias quam aut blanditiis dolorum aliquam aliquid atque aspernatur nostrum delectus commodi, ut provident quasi officia sed, repellat quod? Exercitationem totam quisquam molestiae ex voluptatibus, veritatis impedit deserunt, doloribus sit debitis aliquid quaerat a. Modi deserunt maxime, ipsa sint qui est iure? Debitis nostrum totam provident eveniet vitae dolores assumenda, doloribus sint magnam? Neque, repellat blanditiis maxime quis sapiente incidunt pariatur assumenda reprehenderit voluptate sint atque dolores molestias? Maiores ducimus illo dolor voluptatibus recusandae laudantium soluta quasi dicta, in sint dolore cumque voluptatem voluptas veniam velit, fugit corporis eaque mollitia cupiditate atque itaque culpa. Distinctio sequi nisi perferendis unde rem deserunt illo neque, doloremque praesentium cum facere voluptate iste, numquam repudiandae iusto aspernatur molestias totam quos expedita at. Repellendus laudantium illum illo, quibusdam est molestiae sunt nulla in, consequatur omnis ratione, dignissimos delectus quod sed? Iusto, autem magni. Unde iure fuga quaerat recusandae! Deserunt ratione beatae fuga sapiente magnam qui quidem nisi cumque quaerat necessitatibus. Fuga voluptate architecto consequuntur at dolor, mollitia veritatis perferendis quisquam eius, unde doloremque blanditiis libero ipsa fugiat modi natus commodi dicta aut! Explicabo fuga quae, laborum quis consectetur corrupti culpa reiciendis obcaecati dolorum quod perferendis praesentium dolore porro necessitatibus quibusdam voluptatibus veritatis amet corporis aliquam omnis quas doloremque atque iure veniam? Nisi, natus. Temporibus ex ullam cumque molestiae sunt eos officiis repudiandae exercitationem corrupti magni, in suscipit alias illo eius iure. Incidunt voluptates provident mollitia quod illum velit cupiditate optio cumque eveniet iste in the mouth of something nesciunt sunt quo, expedita atque truly unfathomable veritatis magni enim quis aliquid fuga, doloremque perspiciatis officiis facilis a chapel hush in the face of the divine accusamus. Fugiat officia observe; do not speak iure cumque aliquid eum repudiandae voluptas soluta natus. Corrupti, labore sit repellendus at dolores quisquam consectetur fugit iusto asperiores omnis nobis sed distinctio maxime molestiae eos ea! Minus placeat earum, eius, tempora magnam eveniet nulla dignissimos molestiae aut, ad vero. Vel officia deleniti at aperiam delectus minus ratione obcaecati esse accusantium laboriosam ipsa aspernatur quasi, praesentium nostrum autem impedit cupiditate numquam et repudiandae veniam voluptatum error ut! Quaerat corrupti tempore impedit sit soluta nihil debitis alias reprehenderit eum, deserunt rerum necessitatibus consectetur, quos numquam incidunt aliquid voluptatem beatae adipisci! Consequuntur iste modi eius cumque repellendus aperiam soluta praesentium exercitationem quibusdam. Eveniet tempore consectetur molestiae ullam enim fugiat commodi mollitia nam totam, dignissimos culpa vel provident, ratione impedit. Placeat atque, optio quo error fugit odio amet at ipsum praesentium veritatis possimus, doloribus odit sit totam minima cumque id ducimus consequatur dignissimos incidunt autem veniam quam quibusdam. Facilis facere eum vitae illo sunt expedita, non tempore consequatur et tenetur unde error quas corporis perferendis quisquam minima sit blanditiis. Ipsa reprehenderit ad libero voluptates dolorum, ullam mollitia, ratione nostrum, tenetur tempora rem fugiat totam dolores maxime dignissimos soluta debitis omnis. Veritatis debitis, autem accusamus, fugit officiis non voluptates vero quis iusto eos dicta ea unde quia adipisci, libero voluptas voluptate quas quam voluptatem molestias did you catch all that? make sense of nonsense? consectetur tenetur! Ipsum inventore dolores dolor exercitationem dolorem possimus impedit quae, magni ex pariatur soluta accusantium iure esse, fuga sequi ipsa sit numquam saepe praesentium laudantium ad illum id deserunt? Quos, ratione. In the face of it all,

take time to explore different structures of whatever you like to write. for poetry, consider writing a pantoum, ghazal, or abecedarian (some of my favorites). for an essay or fiction, consider writing vignettes, something in epistolary form, a diptych/triptych piece, a frame story, or a circular narrative.

i wrote this calligram last week, but it fits for the prompt so sue me.
----| |---------------------| |----
    =o=			    =o=
    " "			    " "
jaw shifting as clockwork, there is
red light beaming through the holes
of her skull, a soft cottage cheese
fleshy	overgrown	     O- AB+
visage	   family tree	     actgct
of the		 twisting    dna in
to-be-		â–Ż    roots   spiral
dead a	  door       spiral  an int
washed	 darkroom   round    estine
in icy	     a locked        thread
blood.			     a nose
fenced	  above dark pool    choked
statues			    in dust
thread dangling little windows of a
distant open air. every person is a
trembling photograph, all damp with
chemical soup, a long exposure shot
paper as marble, ink as untouchable
shadow, immaterial and disappearing
around the finger tips. a fleshless
divine i will gnaw till all that is
left are perfect noble marble bones

write about echoes, sound, and reverberation. what is an echo—just sound or something more? how can it reverberate through past, present, and future? can emotion be an echo in that way? what else can be?

i preface this entry: any references to self-immolation have little to do with aaron bushnell. still—free palestine

A. The Death of the Author

The Centennial Light is the world's longest-lasting light bulb, burning since 1901, and almost never turned off. It is located at
an oceanic asteroid impact
that occured between Africa and Antarctica
around the time of a solar eclipse,
that caused a tsunami.
(intended to draw parallels between God and fire, or light,)
narratives of a great flood discovered in many cultures around the world

Ea, who created humans out of
secretly warns the hero
of the impending flood

In ancient times, eternal flames were fueled by
a culture hero, who "represents the human craving for life".
his historicity is dubious
he only appears as a literay figure in Plato's works; all other ancient sources are either based on Plato or are fictional accounts.
As a counterargument, it has been pointed out that most characters
are in
fact historical persons.

Self-immolation is the act of
Due to its disturbing and violent nature,
A The Death of the Author

B. By means of natural selection,
and Death

Hydrothermal vents are fissures on the
a significant factor to starting abiogenesis
survival of primitive life.

A perpetual stew, also known as forever soup,
a pot into which
are placed and cooked.
never or rarely emptied all the way,
cooking for decades or longer
flavorful due to the manner in which the ingredients blend

a 100,000-year problem
matter or make a difference.

into starlight we call out
"we're still here, can you hear me?"
"Hello from the children of Planet Earth"
one of the best known graffiti artists in the world
from up above the moon
she's bathed in burning neon lights
the makers of music—all worlds, all times

God spares Noah, his family,
controversial, with some claiming that rock music was "adolescent",
criticism over the nudity on the Pioneer plaque
the Beatles 1969 song "Here Comes the Sun"
but the record company
which held the copyrights

Contents of the Voyager Golden Record

The Sun
give it this kind of immortality,
distant future
distant time
Sunset with birds

House (Ethiopia)
House (New England)
House (Cloudcroft, New Mexico)
"House interior with artist and fire"
Diagram of male and female
Family portrait
in flight

X-ray of hand
"Here Comes the Sun"

The premise is that the entire civilisation you're in is going to be destroyed and the only thing that will survive is twenty pictures of a set size and resolution you get to take. Your goal is to tell future archeologists as much as you can, in those twenty pictures.
decision fatigue refers to the deteriorating quality of decisions

During the Apollo missions to the Moon, the Parkes Observatory was used to relay communication and telemetry signals to NASA, providing coverage for when the Moon was on
And from Honeysuckle Creek and this terminal, where will the pictures go then?
The footage covering the event
has now been wiped or lost.

In radio astronomy, perytons are short man-made signals of a few milliseconds
The peryton is a mythological hybrid animal combining the physical features of a stag and a bird.
According to Borges, perytons lived in Atlantis until
a great flood
destroyed the civilization and the creatures escaped by flight.
(historical versions
featured winged stags
Borges is thus clearly not the inventor of the concept)

Per aspera ad astra in Morse code
Ad is a Latin preposition expressing direction toward in space or time, e.g. ad nauseam, ad infinitum, ad hoc, ad libidem, ad valorem
Astra is the accusative
Trial by ordeal

A peryton casts the shadow of a man
it kills one during its lifetime
hand-blown, carbon-filament common light bulb
Fame might have negative psychological effects

C. On the evening of March 20, 2013, the general public witnessed, through a dedicated webcam, that the bulb had apparently burned out. The next morning,

The fossil record of fire first appears with
destruction of the Library of Alexandria,

a piece inspired by two famous dali paintings, the persistence of memory and the elephants. consider exploring movement, slowness/speed, heat/cold, and warped sensations.

vast tarmac ocean.
i usually pick imagery for the idea, not the other way around. this was interesting!
one of my earliest nightmares i can remember is the floor melting and sucking me in. i'll try to capture that

when the world ended
the sun burnt out my eyes
haunting angel goes unseen
but not unfelt
in the wake it leaves in the rippling heat
bright shadows of lighthouse panopticon
heart in a ribcage, caught
in the headlights
of a car that suddenly
swerves through the floor
asphalt mad with hunger
leave me shaking
and alone

eat me! heat me!
i am the only cold thing in this world
roads into rivers of
dripping bubbling tar
heat into hunger for
dripping skin and fat
roads into rivers into
vast tarmac ocean
all roads lead to rome
the great city stretched like taffy
bottomless parking lot

haul yourself out of the starving sea
but tar sticks eternal
leaden and lethargic
where do you think you're going?
don't bite off more than you can chew
a clogged windpipe is still drowning
don't you know the saying?
roads to rivers to rome, over and over
a frozen pheonix dies eventually
swim or your lungs stop working,
but swimming starves the lungs just as well
two ways to hell, why try
sit, let the earth eat you!
nowhere to run, asphalt into lava flow
nowhere to run, tar up the nose and behind the
eyes still trained on the thing in the sky (sigh)
lighthouse above the pitch, where sinners go to die
"stay in your assigned cell,"

across the thousand scorching metal hulls
the thousand poison air fresheners
dance on burnt toes across burnt out headlights
(ignore the tar heavy on the shoulders)
performance for your endless gaze
(frozen hands fumble on the keys)
a stage made of family cars
sinking slowly, slowly down
towed into ink deathgrip, eaten alive
in dusty garage drowse

above, above
the place where tar lets free
there's a two millimeter hole into heaven
in the cupola above the sea
but the devil follows me like a begging dog
the light in the light in the sky
traps me in a falling funhouse
butterflies grow eyes
that all look like yours
wards against the beast in the dark
"aren't you ashamed?
when the warden turns his lantern to you
ridges of your maw cast in stark relief
aren't you ashamed?
oh, idiot animal"

as above, so below
death in two suits
choose your own adventure
only has one last page
analyzing star charts and tabloids
maps that only label oceans
the doctor concludes i grind my teeth
because im anxious when i sleep
i starve for something
i am unable to eat
i can't help dreaming of
when you smear my face as glistening paint
when your hands swim through my thawing guts
when you tug my flesh from my body
body heat gently melting skin
i can't help the terror
pavlovian flinch
i can't see, i can't see
everyone wants to eat me
is god a lover or a warden
do i disgust you
o slow blinking eye
i disgust myself
so what can i ask of you
i don't know
one day i'll be there with you
in the cupola above the sea
till then i fall before the light
of that blinding beacon
impossibly tall
slip back into the tar
trapped in a parked car
left in drive

a worldly place that is a threshold for you. this can mean anything—maybe it's some place between end and beginning, forward and backward, past and present, here and there, friends and lovers, or something else entirely!

where the steps collapse into the sea
heavy under the weight of the air
where the doves stand upon the waters
building an olive tree out of twigs
sits the bus stop on a cliff
next stop vapor and a quick death

spiraling compass proffered skyward
needle point digs into skin
my map does not match these roads
drawn by my palmlines
drawn by the shadows of the shadows
of the powerlines hung with dead birds

the sun came down to beg me
pack up everything you have been
here are your cardboard boxes
death comes quickly like a stone
when the waters crash down you will not be there
run away, runaway

am i doing it right
am i labeling these right
when i am gone will you find
what you are looking for here
when you are gone will they find
what they are looking for here

will it be a way out or a viking burial
taking flight or a bus off a cliff
am i a bird or a flying fish
to be caught in the fisher's net
to be caught in the duct tape and cable
am i capable of meeting your eye
am i capable of staring into the blinding sun

i am on the last bus leaving home
i am waving goodbye from the bus stop
eerie silence tensed like an animal
as the duct tape bursts
as the waterfalls reach out of the sky
fumbled disappearing trick
will i be there

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